Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Some common Email Etiquette rules

Some common Email Etiquette rules:

J     Read the email before you send
J     Always spell check before you send
J     Be concise and to the point
J     Use a meaningful subject line
J     Respond to emails quickly
J     When replying, answer all questions
J     Watch cc s when replying. Ask yourself if you want your reply to go to all those people
J     Use proper spelling, grammar & punctuation
J     Avoid long sentences
J     Consider carefully what you write; it s a permanent record and can be easily forwarded to others
J     Use cc: field sparingly
J     Avoid abbreviations  using U instead of you , for example, is unprofessional
J     Be careful with formatting
J     When forwarding messages, put your comments at the top of the message
J     Do not use email to discuss confidential information
J     Do not attach files unnecessarily
J     Do not overuse Reply to all
J     Do not forward chain letters
J     Do not request delivery and read receipts
J     Do not forward virus hoaxes and chain letters
J     Do not attach large files (over 50K) without getting permission from your recipient first.
J     Do not forward personal e-mail to a group without getting the author s permission first.
J     Do not type more than 65 characters in a line. E-mail programs will wrap the text as wrong points or not wrap it at all
J     Do not overuse acronyms such as BTW, IMHO etc., not ever one may understand it.

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