Monday, March 14, 2011


                                  How to impress your boss?

                        Do not try to impress your Boss

Please do not try to impress your boss. It is dangerous! Boss is boss after all !!
This is the first and foremost advice. The boss is much smarter than you. That is why he is the boss.
You may loose your credit or even your dream job trying to impress your boss.Your career may be at stake! So what to do?
There are two golden rules for a sub-ordinate (an old proverb).
Rule No. 1: Boss is always right.
Rule No. 2: If you think not, see rule No. 1.
So, these are very simple rules. It seems to be a joke but it teaches a lot.

Impressing boss in tough time
Your work is your impression

Your work and your work only can impress your boss. A boss or a leader is the person who manages his or her subordinates. He / she knows the internal abilities and capacities of an employee. The boss assigns work according to Skills and capabilities of the employee and wants him or her to deliver it. Quality work does matter for the boss.
You have to remember that your boss also has a boss and is responsible to his higher authorities. Even if he / she is the highest in rank he / she is responsible to corporation and share holders. He / she is also responsible to the tax authorities and the Government.
Your boss will be held responsible for your work. Your quality work will place your boss high in the eyes of the authorities. This certainly create your impression too.
Psychologists say that people love smart actions not the smart people. Perform and complete your assigned works smartly. But never try to be over smart. You may be down graded if you try to look smarter. It will hurt your boss's ego. Hence,be modest with your boss and he will start you love.

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What works: The four 'C's:

1. Confidence: Be confident. Your confidence will place you high. It will be reflected in your works. A confident person accomplishes his or her job better than a non-confident one according to psychologists. Confident persons do it in a better way too.
You are at the threshold ofimpressing your boss.
2. Competence: Have competence. Be competent. Confidence in you is not enough. You need to be competent, competent in your job, competent in your domain, competent in your work and so on. You also need to be skilled. Enhance your skills continually.
Bosses everywhere assign responsibilities to skillful and competent people. Fulfillment of those responsibilities earn extra points for you. Be competent and you need not to try impress your boss.
Be competent in your domain. Be competent in communication skills.
3. Control: You should have control over yourself. It brings discipline within you. You also need to control your instincts and emotions. Those who have control over instincts and emotions become leaders.
Self-controlled people accomplish their tasks properly, efficiently and timely. This in turn grow your effectiveness and that will impress your boss.
4. Challenge: The last but not the least is accepting challenges. Virtues of Confidence, competence andcontrol will make you a good employee but accepting and fulfilling challenges will make you the great.
Accept the challenges. Set higher goals for yourself, your team and your company and thrive to achieve those.         
It will impress boss definitely without any doubt.
The 4 C's are always meaningful but are more important for white collar jobs.

Impress your boss
Is your boss smarter than you?
Top of Form
·          Yes, of course
·          Not at all
·          No
·          Difficult to say
Bottom of Form
Be honest, trustworthy and meaningful to your boss

Be honest. Be trustworthy. Be meaningful for your boss, colleagues and your corporation. All these will impress your boss positively. Please remember that there is no short cut to greatness.
Be aware: Do not hurry and do not be lazy. Do not try to manipulate things. Do not engage in rumor mongering. Do not be jealous with your colleagues.These will mess everything.
These are suggestions from psychologists, sociologists, businessowners and managers and well experienced people. Follow those and you can not only impress your boss but also surely get a place in his or her heart.
This in turn will open the doors for your increments and promotion.
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