Tuesday, March 15, 2011


                                 SATHYAM PLACEMENT SAMPLE-2011

1.  In a certain society, there are two marriage groups, Red and Brown. No marriage is permitted within a group. On marriage, males become part of their wife's group: women remain in their own group. Children belong to the same group as their parents. Widowers and divorced males revert to the group of their birth. Marriage to more than one person at the same time and marriage to a direct descendant are forbidden
If widowers and divorced males retained the group they had upon marrying, which of the following would have been permissible?(Assume no previous marriages occurred)
(a) A woman marrying her dead sister's husband
(b) A woman marrying her divorced daughter's ex-husband.
(c) A widower marrying his brother's daughter
(d) A woman marrying her mother's brother, who is a widower
(e) A divorced male marrying his ex-wife's divorced sister
Ans. (d)

2.12*7 =408, 15*5=507, then  13 *7=
A) 105
B) 910
C) 91
D) 109
E) none

4 j, k, l, m, n

6. in a city  some people only lie , others they never lie and a big story is there with I could not remember

7.               T lies on Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday, Tw lies on remaing days(thursay, Friday, saterday), on Sunday none of them lie .
T: today is Sunday.
Tw : today is Tuesday.

A)                        t is lying, Tw is not, today is Sunday.
B)t is not lying, Tw is not, today is tuesday
C)t is lying, Tw is not, today is Sunday.
D)                        t is not lying, Tw is lying, today is tuesday.
E) None

8 A goat is tied to a square field ( whose side Is not given ), tone  end of the corner to a geat I stied  to a rod with a roap of length 14 meter , how much area the goat can graze(pie=3)
A) 85 sq mt
B) 105 sq mt
C) 70 sq mt
D) some answer
E) none

9 Father is four times  the age of his son , 4 years hence, their sum of ages is 48.what is the present age of son?
A)            5 years
B)7 years
C)13 years
D)            11 years
E)  none
10 one from probability. The probability of error in a code of five digit (some thing like that) is 10power of (-4). If the error in the code is more than 2 digits then info is discarded.

10 one big story I dint read

11  a number whose sumof numbers is /product of digits is (some number X), it is divisible also by (40-3).
A) 2688
B) oddnumber not divisle by 37
C) odd number divisible by 37
D)Odd number not divisle by 37
E) none

12  What is the remaining area outside the circles
The length of rectangle is y, breadth is x

A)                        3pie (1-X/4),
C)3pie (X/4),
D)                        3x(1-x/4)
E) none

 13 let i=4
        let j=i*2;
        let k=i+j;
        print I, j, k;
if k>6 break
goto 2
a)   1,2,3
b)  2,4,12
c)   2,3,6
d)  2,3,4
e)   none


 15.two persons A and B move in the opposite directions from the same point with 10 miles in 2 hrs, and 6 miles in 2hrs respectively, after 4min what is distance between them
A)                        1 mile
B)2 mile
D)                        4 mile
E) none

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