Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Secret of Wealth

The Secret of Wealth
Inspired Ideas and Definite Action

Have you ever met a person who’s just simply puzzled? They’ve read an entire library of books on positive thinking. They’ve attended numerous seminars, and their car dashboard is stacked to the windshield with recorded self-help audio CDs. … But they just can’t seem to make things work.
Well, Wallace Wattles points exactly to the root cause of their problem — Acting in a Certain Way.
Wattles said,
“Thinking in the certain way will bring riches to you, but you must not rely on thought alone,
paying no attention to personal action. This is the rock upon which many otherwise scientific metaphysical
thinkers meet shipwreck – the failure to connect thought with personal action.”
Bob Proctor told an interesting story about having breakfast one day with Earl Nightingale, the co-founder of the globally successful Nightingale-Conant corporation. Bob explained that he was fascinated with the great volume of business that Earl Nightingale took care of, but even more particularly with the way Earl seemed to move in a calm, confident manner. He never appeared to be rushed. So, one day at breakfast, Bob asked Earl how he had mastered time management. Earl laughed and said, “I’ve never mastered time management. Nobody masters time management. Time can’t be managed. I merely manage activities. Each night, I write down on a sheet of paper a list of the things I have to accomplish the next day. And when I wake up … I do them.”
What a powerful lesson! While it seems like such a ridiculously simple solution, Earl Nightingale was demonstrating the very key to this chapter – he had learned how to connect powerful thought with powerful personal action.
As you’re watching the movie, The Secret, you must remember that, while various speakers are talking about the Law of Attraction, what ALWAYS precedes that attraction is ACTION.
Without ACTION, there is no attraction!
As a final note, I’d like to remind you that your list should be aggressive, but don’t try to shove 170 activities into a single day. You won’t get anywhere on that plan either. Remember what Wallace Wattles reminds us of: “Your action must be in your present business or employment. It must be upon the persons and things in your present environment. You cannot act where you are not. You cannot act where you have been, and you cannot act where you are going to be. You can only act where you are. Do not dwell on whether yesterday’s work was well or poorly done. Do today’s work well. Do not try to do tomorrow’s work now. There will be plenty of time to do that when tomorrow comes. If you take care of the action, the attraction will always take care of itself.”

Are You Doing What You Love?
Somewhere in history, humankind picked up the false thought that we need to work on boring, day-to-day activities that we do not enjoy in order to survive.
We grow up in our programmed lives with the ridiculous idea that we have to go to work to earn money.
Nothing can be further from the truth. We should go to work for satisfaction. You want to spend your days doing what you love.
Doing what you want to do is LIFE! There is no real satisfaction in living if we are compelled to do something that we don’t like to do or that we’re expected to do. It’s as simple as that.
As Wallace Wattles says, the fact is this …
You can do what you want to do; your desire to do it is PROOF that you have within you the power to do it.”
Jack Canfield writes:
See, the idea that we work for money is silly. It’s an old idea that’s been around for a long time, but that doesn’t mean there’s any TRUTH in it. When we created the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series (which went on to sell 100 million copies), it wasn’t our “regular job.” Mark Victor Hansen and I were still doing – every day – what we loved most. The Chicken Soup idea was an OTHER idea, a SIDE idea, believe it or not.
Bob Proctor discussed the setting up of MULTIPLE sources of income – you WORK every day doing what you love, but that doesn’t necessarily have to be the big breadwinner. True riches come from setting up multiple sources of income that, quite probably, are “side ideas.” Chicken Soup started out as just another source of income for us.
Now, granted, Chicken Soup proved a surprising source of income for us. This happened because we simply were following ALL the constructs that are being laid out in this book. Remember, Wallace Wattles has already taught us that you provide service to earn money. When you increase your service, you earn more money. Our Chicken Soup books have entertained more than 100 million people, but it’s obvious that I wasn’t there with those buyers, selling them their books, or reading the books aloud to their children. In fact I was sleeping when many of these books were being purchased and read. But I earned money on every one of them … and I’ll earn money on them for the rest of my life … and my estate will earn money on them, because we found a way to increase our SERVICE by developing a SERIES of Chicken Soup books.
As Wallace Wattles said in the very first chapter of this book, you can only become rich when you expand your service beyond your current presence. And that’s just what we did. The Chicken Soup “side idea” proved a beautiful one. It resonated with millions of people in ways we can never possibly know and, as a result, it became ONE source of several multiple sources of income that both Mark Victor Hansen and I enjoy today.
Now, you could be in a place where you might not know how to set up multiple sources of income. You might not even know where to start. That really doesn’t matter. It’s a learned skill – and it’s one of the easier ones to learn. By studying this material and listening to the Science of Getting Rich program, you WILL learn how to earn multiple sources of income. All you have to do right now is decide that you’re GOING to do it.
Then, get your head around the most important aspect of this chapter – DO what you LOVE, not what you HAVE to do. It may not happen over night, but it WILL happen when you make that decision.
The second you’ve finished with this lesson, I encourage you to sit down and make a written commitment that you are establishing your goal towards spending your days doing what you love, and setting up multiple sources of income to create the income stream strategies that so many people from all walks of life and education have employed to become wealthy. Sign that commitment and give it to someone you respect. I guarantee you – your opportunities will begin to change immediately.
And you will have taken your FIRST STEP into creating the mind-set of the super-wealthy and happy.
Now let’s explore in more detail the concept of Multiple Streams of Income

Multiple Streams of Income
Did you know there are only 3 income earning strategies?
Strategy #1 – What 96% of the population do.
In the first instance, you trade your time for money.

This strategy does NOT work. It has an inherent problem… you run out of time. If you are able to put any money away using Strategy 1 it’ll be at the expense of a life. You’ll be compromising on the house you live in, the car you drive and the vacations you take, your family time, and more.
Strategy #2 – What 3% of the population do.
In the second instance, you’re using money to generate more money. Whether it’s investments in the property market or stocks, you make your money work for you through your own business or someone else’s and collect the returns.
Simple as it sounds, so few people do this.
Strategy #3 – What the wiser 1% of the population do
This is the most Powerful Strategy of them all… when you Multiply Your Time. In this situation, you’re no longer restricted by geographic boundaries or physical form. You’ve created several revenue streams by creating Multiple Sources of Income (MSI).
Become very familiar with the term "MSI" because it will lead you to complete financial independence.
In fact, as part of the Science of Getting Rich Seminar which we offer on this site, we include what might be a perfect MSI for you. Every Seminar purchase comes with a “business-in-a-box”, a complete website with powerful technology and marketing tools that you can use to earn money while selling The Science of Getting Rich seminar.
It may sound unusual – providing an instant business to people who get the seminar but it made perfect sense. As soon as you setup your website and see leads and sales coming in, you change your mindset — you instantly move from being an employee, or from being a single business owner — into being a person with Multiple Streams of Income. This mind-shift causes even more income streams to be drawn towards you. It’s the Law of Attraction at work.

The Process for Discovering Multiple Sources of Income
Ok, so you may understand the importance of Multiple Streams of Income but you may still be clueless as to how to find ideas that may bring you wealth.
This is where we use the Law of Attraction. You start by applying thought to what you wish to attract into your life — in terms of work or career you should aim to have a job that you truly enjoy AND one that pays you enough so that you can live the life you desire.
Do not worry if you’re not yet sure about how to reach this goal, for this is where the second part comes in.
Upon applying thought to this new life, you’ll find that through random events, coincidences or inspiration, ideas will come to you. Ideas that will lead you to create this desired life. History is filled with stories of men and women who gained inspiration through unusual sources like dreams. You’ll find this inspiration flowing to you too ONCE you set your mind on the vision of your ideal life.
The final stage is to follow the inspiration and take action — all the while continuing to apply desire, belief and expectation that your ideal life will manifest.
The process of manifesting wealth can be summarized in the three lines below:
In Lesson 1 to 6 we discussed the first and most important part of this wealth transformation process — the power of channeled thought. Now we’ll cover the next two parts – inspiration and action.
How to Open Yourself to Inspiration
In Lesson 1 you learned that you are more than physical matter. In Lesson 2, we discussed the Law of Attraction.
Lesson 3 was about controlling your thoughts while Lesson 4 showed you how to think “BIG”.
In Lessons 5 and 6 you first learned the process for daily meditation and then how to apply the concepts of Desire, Belief and Expectation.
Once you’ve followed these steps – and are thinking big thoughts about your future life, controlling your previously unrestrained random thoughts and practicing focusing your thoughts via daily meditation – you will find that throughout your day you will literally be filled with inspirational ideas. They could be ideas for new business, new sources of income, new pursuits of creativity — this is the Law of Attraction working.
Your body, then, is energy in a high speed of vibration, fed by thoughts and directives from your brain. Your brain as an object cannot actually think BUT you think with your brain. Albert Einstein’s brain is kept in a jar somewhere in New Jersey; however, it is not doing anyone any good because Albert is not with it! It was the flowing, moving energy into his brain and what he chose to DO with that flow that changed the face of our planet and made Albert’s “brain” famous.
Albert Einstein loved thinking – he was excited over the thoughts that surfaced. In fact, those who worked with him reported that he was often “gleeful” with an idea. This is exactly why Albert Einstein changed our world instead of just thinking about changing it. Albert got emotionally involved with his ideas. He visualized their physical result on the screen of his mind and, to everyone else’s surprise, those ideas became realities that changed our world’s perspective.
You have every ability to change the world just as he did. Albert Einstein had nothing on any other human being – not even you. He just knew how to move energy into theory, and theory into form.
The best part is that anyone can do this. We all have the same connections to the universal sources that gave inspiration to the likes of Einstein.
Napoleon Hill said:

The great artists, writers, musicians, and poets become great because they acquire the habit of relying upon the “still small voice” which speaks from within, through the faculty of creative imagination. It is a fact well known to people who have “keen” imaginations that their best ideas come through so-called “hunches”

~ Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich
When you begin to see that idea take shape – when it’s actually something you can touch and see and feel the result of – well … it’s an incredible, grateful moment. When I experience that moment myself, I’m always reminded of the quote from the great psychologist Alfred Adler – “I am grateful for the idea that has used me.”
Believe me; I am ALWAYS grateful to the idea that has used me!

Taking Action
The next step is to take action on your idea. Now here is where many people get lost — what if you don’t know what action to take? You may have an idea for a business, but should you get a loan, self-fund it, find a partner? The opportunites are endless – and confusing and overwhelming.
Napoleon Hill’s advice is this. He says do not worry about the specific action you take. Just take any small step, any "baby step" toward your dream. You do not have to be 100% sure you’re on the right track. You simply have to keep your thoughts focused on the dream and move forward. The Law of Attraction will do the rest. It will attract to you the exact right circumstances, meetings, opportunities, inspiration, people and offers you would need to move forward towards your dream.
Follow the steps in these lessons, and you’re on your way to claiming the greatness that was yours from the very beginning.
And may it be a beautiful journey.
We hope you enjoyed and gained much from these 7 free lessons. There is much more to learn but these basics alone will take you far.
If you feel you are ready to move forward in a great leap — to take a quantum jump and move yourself into the mindset of the great people of the world, we’re waiting to hold your hand and help you succeed.
Do you Desire to Take Your Life to the Next Level?
One of the Most Remarkable Things About the Science of Getting Rich Seminar is that Many People Who Attend the Seminar Frequently See Their Incomes Improving by 10, 20, 50 even 500 Percent Within ONE Year of Experiencing the Training.
Do you DESIRE to learn more and to master the mindset of wealthy and successful people? Let the Legendary Coaches, Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, personally guide you through the most important Educational Experience of Your Life.

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