Tuesday, March 15, 2011


                                             GENERAL ABBREVATION:

AACS As Applicable to Co-operative

ACABC Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centres

ACSTI/s Agricultural Co-operative Staff

Training Institute/s

AEZ/s Agri-Export Zone/s

AMA Agricultural Market Access

APEDA Agricultural and Processed Food Products
Export Development Authority
APMC Agriculture Produce Marketing
ARF Automatic Refinance Facility

BAIF Bharti Agro Industries Foundation

BLBC Block Level Bankers’ Committee

B.R. Act Banking Regulation Act

BIRD Bankers Institute of Rural

CAB College for Agriculture Banking

CBPCapacity Building Phase

CDF Co-operative Development Fund

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CGB/s Capital Gains Bond/s

CAT Capacity Building for Adoption of

CISS Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme

CSO Central Statistical Organisation

DAP/s Development Action Plan/s

DCARMDBs District Co-operative Agriculture Rural
Multi-Purpose Development Banks

DCCB/s District Central Co-operative Bank/s

DCP/s District Credit Plan/s

DDM District Development Manager

DM Deutsche Mark

DRIP District Rural Industries Project

ERR Economic Rate of Return

FC Farmers’ Club

FIPF ull Implementation Phase

FRR Financial Rate of Return

GCF Gross Capital Formation

GCFA Gross Capital Formation in Agriculture

GDCF Gross Domestic Capital Formation

GDPGross Domestic Product

GLC General Line of Credit/Ground Level

GoI Government of India

GTZ Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische

ha. Hectares

HRD Human Resource Development

HO Head Office

ICAR Indian Council of Agriculture Research

IGWDPIndo-Ger man Watershed Development

ILR Internal Lendable Resources

IRV/s Individual Rural Volunteer/s

IT Information Technology

JLG/s Joint Liability Group/s

JLTC/s Junior Level Training Centre/s

KCC Kisan Credit Card

KfW Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau
(German Development Bank)

KVK/s Krishi Vigyan Kendra/s

LAMP/s Large Adivasi Multi-purpose
Co-operative Society/ies

LT Long-term

LTCCS Long-Term Co-operative Credit

MEDPMicro-Enterprise Development

MEPA/s Micro-Enterprise Promotion Agency/ies

MF Micro-Finance

MFDEF Micro-Finance Development and
Equity Fund

MFI/s Micro-Finance Institution/s

MFO/s Micro-Finance Organisation/s

MI Minimum Involvement/Minor Irrigation

MIS Management Information System

MITTRA Maharashtra Institute of Technology

Transfer for Rural Areas

MoA Ministry of Agriculture

MoFPI Ministry of Food Processing Industries

MoRD Ministry of Rural Development

MoU Memorandum of Understanding

MSP/s Minimum Support Price/s

MSTPMillion Shallow Tubewell Programme

MT Medium-term/Metric Tonne

NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and
Rural Development

Nabcons NABARD Consultancy Services

NAMA Non-Agricultural Market Access

NBSC National Bank Staff College

NBTC National Bank Training Centre

NER North-Eastern Region

NGO/s Non-Governmental Organisation/s

NPA/s Non-Performing Asset/s

NPK Nitrogen Phosphorous Potash

NRC (LTO) National Rural Credit (Long-Term

NRRDA National Rural Roads Development

NSSO National Sample Survey Organisation

ODI Organisation Development Intervention

OFWM On-Farm Water Management

OSAO Other than Seasonal Agricultural

OTS One Time Settlement

p.a. Per Annum

PACS Primary Agriculture Credit Society/ies

PCARDB/s Primary Co-operative Agriculture and
Rural Development Bank/s

PWCS Primary Weaver’s Co-operative Society

PLP/s Potential Linked Credit Plan/s

PLI/s Primary Lending Institution/s

PLR Prime Lending Rate

PPID Pilot Project for Integrated

PRIs Panchayati Raj Institution/s

PSBs Priority Sector Bonds

PUCB/s Primary Urban Co-operative Bank/s

RBI Reserve Bank of India

REDP/s Rural Entrepreneurship Development

RFA Revolving Fund Assistance

RFI/s Rural Financial Institution/s

RIDF Rural Infrastructure Development Fund

RNFS Rural Non-Farm Sector

RO/s Regional Office/s

RIF Rural Innovation Fund

RPF Rural Promotion Fund

RRB/s Regional Rural Bank/s

RTC/s Regional Training Centre/s

RUDSETI/s Rural Development and Self-
Employment Training Institute/s

SAA Service Area Approach

SAMIS Service Area Monitoring and
Information System

SAO Seasonal Agricultural Operations

SC/ST Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe

SCARDB/s State Co-operative Agriculture and
Rural Development Bank/s

SCB/s State Co-operative Bank/s

SCC Swarozgar Credit Card

SDC Swiss Agency for Development and

SEWA Self-Employed Women’s Association

SF/MF Small Farmers/Marginal Farmers

SFPState Focus Paper

SGSY Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana

SHG/s Self-Help Group/s

SHPI/s Self-Help Promoting Institution/s

SLBC/s State Level Bankers’ Committee/s

SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio

SME/s Small and Medium Entreprise/s

SO Sub-office

SSI/s Small Scale Industry/ies

ST Short-term

STCCS Short-Term Co-operative Credit

TDF Tribal Development Fund

TE/s Training Establishment/s

TFO Total Financial Outlay

UT/s Union Territory/ies

VDB Village Development Board

VDC/s Village Development Committee/s

VWC/s Village Watershed Committee/s

WDC/s Women Development Cells

WDF Watershed Development Fund

WPI Wholesale Price Index

WTO World Trade Organisation

WUA Water Users’ Association

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