Monday, March 14, 2011


                                        IELTS PREPARATION-READING

© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 1
Preparing for the IELTS test with Holmesglen
Institute of TAFE
The reading component
The IELTS reading test takes one hour. In this time you are required to
read three texts of between 500 and 900 words each. The texts and
questions increase in difficulty. There will be around 40 questions to
answer and record on the answer sheet within the 60 minutes.
Most students come out of the reading test feeling that there wasn’t
enough time to complete the exam paper. For this reason it is very
important that you take a number of timed practice reading tests before the
actual exam day to develop the skills of skimming and scanning and other
timesaving strategies.
In the following pages you will find information and practice questions to
prepare you to answer some of the most common types of question in the
reading test:
♦= Summary completion
♦= Matching headings to paragraphs
♦= Identifying the writer’s views
♦= Multiple choice
♦= Selecting factors
♦= Table completion
♦= Matching causes and effects
♦= Sentence completion
♦= Short answer questions
Sample reading text
The reading text on the following page is longer that usual and is used as
the basis for all the questions and examples in this section. However, in
the real IELTS test the 40 or 50 questions will be based on three texts not
just one, and the questions will not test your understanding of a point in
the text more than once, as they may do here.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 2
Sample reading text
Lessons from the Titanic
A From the comfort of our modern lives we tend to look back at the
turn of the twentieth century as a dangerous time for sea travellers. With
limited communication facilities, and shipping technology still in its infancy
in the early nineteen hundreds, we consider ocean travel to have been a
risky business. But to the people of the time it was one of the safest forms
of transport. At the time of the Titanic’s maiden voyage in 1912, there had
only been four lives lost in the previous forty years on passenger ships on
the North Atlantic crossing. And the Titanic was confidently proclaimed to
be unsinkable. She represented the pinnacle of technological advance at
the time. Her builders, crew and passengers had no doubt that she was
the finest ship ever built. But still she did sink on April 14, 1912, taking
1,517 of her passengers and crew with her.
B The RMS Titanic left Southampton for New York on April 10, 1912.
On board were some of the richest and most famous people of the time
who had paid large sums of money to sail on the first voyage of the most
luxurious ship in the world. Imagine her placed on her end: she was larger
at 269 metres than many of the tallest buildings of the day. And with nine
decks, she was as high as an eleven storey building. The Titanic carried
329 first class, 285 second class and 710 third class passengers with 899
crew members, under the care of the very experienced Captain Edward J.
Smith. She also carried enough food to feed a small town, including
40,000 fresh eggs, 36,000 apples, 111,000 lbs of fresh meat and 2,200 lbs
of coffee for the five day journey.
C RMS Titanic was believed to be unsinkable because the hull was
divided into sixteen watertight compartments. Even if two of these
compartments flooded, the ship could still float. The ship’s owners could
not imagine that, in the case of an accident, the Titanic would not be able
to float until she was rescued. It was largely as a result of this confidence
in the ship and in the safety of ocean travel that the disaster could claim
such a great loss of life.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 3
D In the ten hours prior to the Titanic’s fatal collision with an iceberg at
11.40pm, six warnings of icebergs in her path were received by the
Titanic's wireless operators. Only one of these messages was formally
posted on the bridge; the others were in various locations across the ship.
If the combined information in these messages of iceberg positions had
been plotted, the ice field which lay across the Titanic’s path would have
been apparent. Instead, the lack of formal procedures for dealing with
information from a relatively new piece of technology, the wireless, meant
that the danger was not known until too late. This was not the fault of the
Titanic crew. Procedures for dealing with warnings received through the
wireless had not been formalised across the shipping industry at the time.
The fact that the wireless operators were not even Titanic crew, but rather
contracted workers from a wireless company, made their role in the ship’s
operation quite unclear.
E Captain Smith’s seemingly casual attitude in increasing the speed
on this day to a dangerous 22 knots or 41 kilometres per hour, can then be
partly explained by his ignorance of what lay ahead. But this only partly
accounts for his actions, since the spring weather in Greenland was known
to cause huge chunks of ice to break off from the glaciers. Captain Smith
knew that these icebergs would float southward and had already
acknowledged this danger by taking a more southerly route than at other
times of the year. So why was the Titanic travelling at high speed when he
knew, if not of the specific risk, at least of the general risk of icebergs in
her path? As with the lack of coordination of the wireless messages, it
was simply standard operating procedure at the time. Captain Smith was
following the practices accepted on the North Atlantic, practices which had
coincided with forty years of safe travel. He believed, wrongly as we now
know, that the ship could turn or stop in time if an iceberg was sighted by
the lookouts.
F There were around two and a half hours between the time the
Titanic rammed into the iceberg and its final submersion. In this time 705
people were loaded into the twenty lifeboats. There were 473 empty seats
available on lifeboats while over 1,500 people drowned. These figures
raise two important issues. Firstly, why there were not enough lifeboats to
seat every passenger and crew member on board. And secondly, why the
lifeboats were not full.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 4
G The Titanic had sixteen lifeboats and four collapsible boats which
could carry just over half the number of people on board her maiden
voyage and only a third of the Titanic’s total capacity. Regulations for the
number of lifeboats required were based on outdated British Board of
Trade regulations written in 1894 for ships a quarter of the Titanic’s size,
and had never been revised. Under these requirements, the Titanic was
only obliged to carry enough lifeboats to seat 962 people. At design
meetings in 1910, the shipyard’s managing director, Alexander Carlisle,
had proposed that forty eight lifeboats be installed on the Titanic, but the
idea had been quickly rejected as too expensive. Discussion then turned
to the ship’s décor, and as Carlisle later described the incident … ’we
spent two hours discussing carpet for the first class cabins and fifteen
minutes discussing lifeboats’.
H The belief that the Titanic was unsinkable was so strong that
passengers and crew alike clung to the belief even as she was actually
sinking. This attitude was not helped by Captain Smith, who had not
acquainted his senior officers with the full situation. For the first hour after
the collision, the majority of people aboard the Titanic, including senior
crew, were not aware that she would sink, that there were insufficient
lifeboats or that the nearest ship responding to the Titanic’s distress calls
would arrive two hours after she was on the bottom of the ocean. As a
result, the officers in charge of loading the boats received a very halfhearted
response to their early calls for women and children to board the
lifeboats. People felt that they would be safer, and certainly warmer,
aboard the Titanic than perched in a little boat in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Not realising the magnitude of the impending disaster themselves, the
officers allowed several boats to be lowered only half full.
I Procedures again were at fault, as an additional reason for the
officers’ reluctance to lower the lifeboats at full capacity was that they
feared the lifeboats would buckle under the weight of 65 people. They had
not been informed that the lifeboats had been fully tested prior to
departure. Such procedures as assigning passengers and crew to
lifeboats and lifeboat loading drills were simply not part of the standard
operation of ships nor were they included in crew training at this time.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 5
J As the Titanic sank, another ship, believed to have been the
Californian, was seen motionless less than twenty miles away. The ship
failed to respond to the Titanic’s eight distress rockets. Although the
officers of the Californian tried to signal the Titanic with their flashing
Morse lamp, they did not wake up their radio operator to listen for a
distress call. At this time, communication at sea through wireless was new
and the benefits not well appreciated, so the wireless on ships was often
not operated around the clock. In the case of the Californian, the wireless
operator slept unaware while 1,500 Titanic passengers and crew drowned
only a few miles away.
K After the Titanic sank, investigations were held in both Washington
and London. In the end, both inquiries decided that no one could be
blamed for the sinking. However, they did address the fundamental safety
issues which had contributed to the enormous loss of life. As a result,
international agreements were drawn up to improve safety procedures at
sea. The new regulations covered 24 hour wireless operation, crew
training, proper lifeboat drills, lifeboat capacity for all on board and the
creation of an international ice patrol.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 6
Reading task type one: summary completion
Task description
The input for this type of question will be a summary of all or part of the
reading text. The summary will contain a number of gaps. All of the
information in the summary will be contained in the reading text, although
the words used will be different. You will also be provided with a list of
words to use to fill the gaps. There will be more words than gaps. These
words have been chosen so that only one word will be suitable for each
gap (the answer) but other words may appear suitable (distracters).
Your task is to complete the summary using one word from the list for
each gap. Because the summary is a paraphrase of the reading text
(rather than an edited version), you will need to have a good
understanding of the overall meaning and main points of the section
summarised, rather than a detailed understanding of the text.
What is being tested is your ability to:
♦= skim the text for information
♦= paraphrase the original text
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 7
Sample task
Complete the summary below. Choose your answers from the box at the
bottom of the page and write them in boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more words than spaces so you will not use them all.
You may use any of the words more than once.
List of Words
passengers happy float advanced
lifeboats confident dangers ocean
worried inadequate enormous excitement
fast handbook water afloat
record fast procedures orders
drown size sink safety
The Finest Ship Ever Built
The North Atlantic Ocean crossing on the Titanic was expected to set a
new standard for …(1)… travel in terms of comfort and …(2)… The
shipping industry had an excellent safety …(3)… on the North Atlantic
Crossing over the previous forty years and the Titanic was the finest and
safest liner ever built. The Titanic combined the greatest technology of the
day with sheer …(4)…, luxury and new safety features. The Titanic’s
owners were …(5)… that even if the Titanic were letting in …(6)… she
would …(7) … indefinitely until help arrived. In hindsight we know that the
Titanic was not unsinkable and that technology alone could not save lives
when facilities were …(8)… and humans did not follow safe …(9)…
whether because of arrogance or ignorance.
Answer key
1. ocean
2. safety
3. record
4. size
5. confident
6. water
7. float
8. inadequate
9. procedures
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 8
Answer key: The Finest Ship Ever Built
The North Atlantic Ocean crossing on the Titanic was expected to set
a new standard for ocean travel in terms of comfort and safety. The
shipping industry had an excellent record on the North Atlantic
Crossing over the previous forty years and the Titanic was the finest
and safest liner ever built. The Titanic combined the greatest
technology of the day with sheer size, luxury and new safety features.
The Titanic’s owners were confident that even if the Titanic were
letting in water, she would float indefinitely until help arrived. In
hindsight we know that the Titanic was not unsinkable and that
technology alone could not save lives when facilities were inadequate
and humans did not follow safe procedures whether because of
arrogance or ignorance.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 9
How to approach summary completion questions
Step 1: Read the instructions carefully. Note that in this case you
have to choose your answers from the words provided. Also
note that in this case you can use any word more than once.
Remember though that every IELTS test is different. So
make sure that you read the instructions carefully even if you
have practised the type of question before.
Step 2: Skim through the summary to get an idea of the topic. In this
case the summary refers generally to peoples’ views about
the Titanic in terms of safety.
Step 3: Decide which section of the text the summary covers – in this
case mainly paragraphs A and C. In some cases the
summary may cover the whole text.
Step 4: Read through the summary, referring to the list of words
each time you reach a gap. Select one or more possible
words from the list to fill each gap. Reject any words that do
not fit grammatically, even if the meaning seems correct.
Confirm your choice by referring to the relevant sections of
the text.
Step 5: Quickly read through your completed summary to check that
it makes sense.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 10
Reading task type two: matching headings to paragraphs
Task description
In this type of question, you will be given a list of headings. The
instructions will also indicate around 4 to 6 paragraphs from the reading
text. The task is to find the most suitable heading for each of the
paragraphs. There will be more headings than paragraphs, and you
shouldn’t use any heading more than once unless the instructions tell you
that you can.
To complete this task well, you will need to be able to identify each
paragraph’s main focus. The correct heading will sum up the main idea of
the paragraph.
What is being tested is your ability to:
♦= Identify the main idea of a paragraph
Sample task
Choose the heading which best sums up the primary cause of the problem
described in paragraphs D, E, G, H and I of the text. Write the appropriate
numbers (i – x) in the boxes on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i Ignorance of the impending disaster
ii Captain’s orders ignored
iii Captain’s over-confidence
iv Rough sea conditions
v Faulty design
vi Iceberg locations not plotted
vii Low priority placed on safety
viii Number of lifeboats adequate
ix Inadequate training
x Ice warnings ignored
Answer key
Paragraph D vi
Paragraph E iii
Paragraph G vii
Paragraph H i
Paragraph I ix
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 11
How to approach matching headings to paragraphs
Step 1: Read the instructions carefully. Note that the heading you
choose should sum up the main idea of the paragraph. Also
note which paragraphs you need to look at, as you are often
not required to do them all.
Step 2: Familiarise yourself with the list of paragraph headings by
skimming through them quickly.
Step 3: Read through the first paragraph for which you have to find a
heading. Remember that you are reading to find out the main
idea of the paragraph. Concentrate on the main idea or focus
of the paragraph and try not to be distracted by details or by
unfamiliar vocabulary.
Step 4: Choose the heading from the list which best sums up the
main point of the paragraph you have just read. If you can’t
choose between two headings, go on to the next paragraph
– you can come back to that question later. But don’t forget
to make a choice before the end of the test because if you
leave a blank or you have marked two answers on your
answer sheet, you will be graded as incorrect for that
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 12
Reading task type three: identifying the writer’s views
Task description
In this task type you will be given a number of statements. You will have to
decide if these statements agree with the writer's views.
To complete this task well you will often need to be able to recognise the
writer’s views not only from what is said directly, but also from what is
implied. For example, we do not need the writer to state directly that
he/she disapproves of zoos. We can infer this disapproval if the writer
states his/her disapproval of the following: animals being taken from the
wild, animals being caged, people paying money to see animals, animals
not having any privacy. However, if the writer simply describes the
problems with zoos this does not necessarily imply disapproval.
Also, we should not try to guess the writer’s views. In statement 5 of the
sample task on the following page, we should not assume that because
we think that the lifeboats should have rescued more people, or because
‘everybody’ thinks that the lifeboats should have returned to rescue more
people, that this is the writer’s view. In this case the writer does not
express any view on this issue; she simply states the fact that the lifeboats
were not full and so the answer must be Not Given.
What is being tested is your ability to:
♦= identify opinion and attitude
♦= skim for detailed information
♦= make inferences
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 13
Sample task
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the
reading passage? In boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet write:
Yes If the statement agrees with the writer
No If the statement contradicts the writer
Not Given If it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about
1. The enormous loss of life on the Titanic was primarily caused by
inadequate equipment, training and procedures.
2. Nobody had thought of installing enough lifeboats to accommodate
all the passengers and crew in the event of an emergency.
3. Captain Smith didn’t inform his officers of the true situation because
he didn’t want to cause a panic.
4. The lifeboats would have buckled if they had been fully loaded.
5. After the Titanic sank the lifeboats which were not full should have
returned to rescue as many people from the water as they could.
6. The Captain of the Californian could have brought his ship to the
rescue if he had realised that the Titanic was sinking.
7. The sinking of the Titanic prompted an overhaul of standard
operating procedures which made ocean travel much safer.
Answer key
1. Yes
2. No
3. Not Given
4. No
5. Not Given
6. Yes
7. Yes
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 14
How to approach questions requiring you to identify the writer's
Step 1: Read the instructions carefully. Note that you are asked to
identify the writer’s opinion, which may not necessarily be the
same as the facts. Note also the difference between the
three categories you have to use, particularly:
No The statement contradicts the writer.
Not Given The writer does not give an opinion on this
Step 2: Skim through all of the statements to get an idea of the
topics you will be searching for in your reading of the text.
Step 3: Read the first statement again more carefully. Note the main
point or opinion given in the statement.
Step 4: Skim the text for the section which refers to that idea. If you
come across information relating to other statements, put a
mark beside the section so that you can find it quickly again
Step 5: Once you have found the appropriate section of the text,
read more carefully. Decide if the statement agrees with the
view of the author (mark Yes on your answer sheet) or
disagrees with the author (mark No on your answer sheet). If
the author doesn’t give an opinion which agrees or disagrees
with the statement then mark Not Given on your answer
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 15
Reading task type four: multiple choice
Task description
In this question type you will be given a ‘stem’ which may be an
incomplete sentence or a question. The stem will be followed by three or
four options – one will be correct (the answer) and three may seem
possible but are in fact incorrect in some way (the distracters).
In tackling this type of question, it is very important to read the stem
carefully. Candidates often make careless mistakes when they misread
the stem and so choose the wrong option.
What is being tested
Multiple choice questions can be designed to test a wide variety of reading
skills. The questions may require you to have an overall understanding of
the main points of the text as in Question 1 of the sample task, in which
case you will need to be able to read for gist. Or they may require you to
have a detailed understanding of particular points as in questions 2 and 3
of the Sample Task, in which case you will need to be able to read for
specific details. Multiple choice questions may also ask you to identify
facts or opinions in the text.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 16
Sample task
Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write your answers in boxes 1-3
on your answer sheet.
1. Which is most at fault for the magnitude of the Titanic disaster?
A. The ship
B. The Titanic’s owners and builders
C. Standard operating procedure
D. The captain and crew
2. The number of lifeboats on the Titanic …
A. would have been sufficient if all boats had been filled to
B. met the regulations for much smaller ships but not the Titanic
C. had been designed in 1894 by the British Board of Trade
D. could carry more people than required under the regulations
3. The Titanic was …
A. higher than the tallest buildings of her day
B. divided into 16 watertight compartments
C. unsinkable
D. the most technologically advanced liner of her time
Answer key
1. C
2. B
3. D
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 17
How to approach multiple choice questions
Step 1: Read the instructions carefully
Step 2: Skim all the questions briefly to get an idea of the topics for
which you will be searching when reading the text.
Step 3: Read the first question again more carefully. Decide what
you will need to read to answer the question. Is the question asking you
for a particular detail that you need to find in the text? Or is the question
asking you for an answer which requires a global understanding of the
whole text?
Step 4: Once you have decided the best strategy for dealing with the
question (as above), you will need to proceed to read the text in the
appropriate manner, for example reading for gist, reading for detail etc.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 18
Reading task type five: selecting factors
Task description
You will be provided with a number of statements some of which
paraphrase or summarise what the writer said. In this task type you need
to show that you know what information the writer did (and did not)
mention on a particular topic.
What is being tested is your ability to:
♦= skim and scan the text for details
♦= understand paraphrase
♦= understand inference
Sample task
The writer mentions a number of factors related to poor communication
which contributed to the disaster. Which 3 of the following factors are
mentioned? Write your answers (A-H) in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.
A. The Titanic was travelling too fast.
B. Ships were not required to operate their wireless continually.
C. There were insufficient lifeboats on the ship.
D. The Titanic’s wireless was not operating around the clock.
E. Ice warnings were not dealt with systematically.
F. The Californian’s wireless had broken down.
G. The Titanic’s wireless had broken down.
H. Captain Smith did not give his officers enough information.
Answer key
1. B
2. E
3. H
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 19
How to approach questions where you have to select factors
Step 1: Read the instructions carefully. Note that only three of the
factors are correct. Note also that the instructions in this
sample task tell you what topic to focus on. In this case the
instructions tell you to focus on poor communication as a
contributing factor in the disaster. Although other factors may
have contributed to the disaster (such as A and C) only the
three correct answers focus on poor communication as a
contributing factor.
Step 2: Read through the list of factors.
Step 3: Scan the text and find the sections or paragraphs which
discuss poor communication.
Step 4: Read those sections carefully and select the appropriate
three factors.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 20
Reading task type six: table completion
Task description
You will be provided with an incomplete table which summarises or
paraphrases information given in the reading text. The information in table
form may be organised differently from the way in which it appears in the
text, for example chronologically instead of in order of importance. The
task is to complete the gaps in three words or fewer.
What is being tested is your ability to
♦= skim for specific information
♦= understand gist and paraphrase
Sample task
Complete the table below using information from the reading passage.
Write no more than three words for each answer. Write your answers in
boxes 1-8 on your answer sheet.
Problem Cause of the problem Regulated after the
Titanic disaster?
(Write Yes, No or
Doesn't say)
Position of icebergs
not plotted
… (1) … scattered all over
the ship
Doesn’t say
Insufficient lifeboats … (2) … regulations … (3) …
Lifeboats not full a) ignorance of the extent
of the danger
b) fear that the lifeboats
would … (5) …
… (4) …
… (6) …
Californian didn’t
listen to the distress
No … (7) … wireless
… (8) …
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 21
Answer key
1. Ice warnings / wireless messages
2. Out dated / out of date
3. Yes
4. Doesn’t say
5. Buckle
6. Yes
7. 24 hour
8. Yes
How to approach table completion tasks
Step 1: Read the instructions carefully. Note that in the sample task
you may use your own words if you wish, based on the
information in the reading text. In other cases you will be
instructed to use the words from the reading text only. Note
also that here you may write only three words or fewer.
Step 2: Look at the table and especially any headings. Decide which
is the most useful way to read the table. In this case you
need to read it horizontally to answer the questions. Glance
at the other information given in the table to get an idea of
what information you will be searching for when you read.
Step 3: Look at the first row under the headings. Decide what key
ideas you will need to search for as you skim the reading
text. Decide also what information you will need to complete
the first gap. For example, in the sample task you will skim
for a paragraph or section discussing icebergs not being
plotted because something was scattered all over the ship.
What was that something?
Step 4: Skim the text for the appropriate paragraph or section.
Step 5: Read that section more carefully and decide on the best
word or words to fill the gap. Remember that you will need to
use the appropriate form of any verbs.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 22
Reading task type seven: matching causes and effects
Task description
You will be provided with two lists. In most cases, one list contains a small
number of causes and the other list contains a larger number of effects.
The task is to find the effect which arose from (matches) each cause. To
complete this task well you will need to understand clearly what the words
‘cause’ and ‘effect’ mean.
What is being tested is your ability to:
♦= understand cause and effect relationships
♦= understand gist and paraphrase
♦= skim for information
Sample task
The reading passage describes a number of cause and effect
relationships. Match each cause (1-4) in List A with its effect (A-H) in List
B. Write your answers (A-H) in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.
NB There are more effects in List B than you will need, so you will not
use all of them. You may use any effect more than once if you wish.
List A: Causes List B: Effects
1. Outdated regulations
designed for much smaller
2. Captain Smith’s failure to
communicate sufficient
information to officers
3. No requirements for 24
hour a day wireless
4. Lack of procedures for
dealing with wireless
A. Lack of lifeboat training and drills
B. More than two of the watertight
compartments filled with water
C. Locations of icebergs received in ice
warnings were not plotted
D. Half full lifeboats did not return to
rescue people
E. Nearby ship did not come to Titanic’s
F. Not enough lifeboats
G. Passengers panicked
H. Lifeboats were not fully loaded
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 23
Answer key
1. F
2. H
3. E
4. C
How to approach questions which ask you to match causes and
Step 1: Read the instructions carefully.
Step 2: Look at the table and decide which list you should work from.
In most cases it would be most efficient to work from the
shorter list (usually the causes).
Step 3: Read the first cause.
Step 4: Briefly familiarise yourself with the effects list. Which effects
seem possible at this stage?
Step 5: Skim the reading text to find the section which discusses the
first cause.
Step 6: Read that section of the reading text carefully to find the
Step 7: When you have found the effect in the reading passage,
refer back to the effects list and select the one which best
paraphrases the information in the reading text. If none of the
effects listed seem to match, then keep reading the text, as it
is not unusual for causes to have more than one effect.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 24
Reading task type eight: sentence completion
Task description
You will be provided with a number of incomplete sentences which you
need to complete using information from the reading text. Generally you
must complete the statement in three words or fewer, but confirm this with
the instructions.
What is being tested is your ability to:
♦= skim for general information
♦= read for details
♦= understand paraphrase in the incomplete sentences
Sample task
Complete the sentences below using words taken from the reading
passage. Use no more than three words for each answer. Write your
answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.
1. One positive outcome was that the inquiries into the Titanic disaster
sought to improve safety procedures by initiating …(1)…
2. The Titanic’s safety feature, which convinced most people that she
wouldn’t sink, was her …(2)…
3. Passenger ships across the North Atlantic Ocean had had an
excellent safety record in the …(3)…
Answer key
1. international agreements / new regulations
2. sixteen watertight compartments
3. previous forty years
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 25
How to approach sentence completion questions
Step 1: Read the instructions carefully. Note that in the sample task
you must only use words from the reading passage, and that
you may use no more than three words to complete each
Step 2: Briefly read through all the incomplete sentences to get an
idea of what information you will have to find in the text.
Step 3: Read the first sentence more carefully. Decide what
information you will need. In this case, you will look for a
section discussing inquiries about improving safety
Step 4: Once you have found the relevant section of the reading text,
look back at the incomplete sentence and decide what
specific information you need to complete it. In this case, you
need to find what was initiated.
Step 5: Read that part of the text more carefully to find the answer.
Remember that the correct answer you find in the text should
fit the incomplete sentence grammatically. If not, you may
need to look for another answer.
In some IELTS tests the instructions will not say ‘using words
taken from the text’, in which case you can use your own
words or change the form of the words in the reading text.
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 26
Reading task type nine: short answer questions
Task description
You will be provided with a number of questions which you have to
answer. Generally your answers must be in three words or fewer but
confirm this with the instructions.
What is being tested is your ability to:
♦= skim for general information
♦= read for details
♦= identify the focus of the question
♦= understand paraphrase in the question
Sample task
Using no more than three words, answer the following questions. Write
your answers in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.
1. Alexander Carlisle implied that the Titanic’s owners were more
concerned about the ship’s appearance than what?
2. The laws of which government regulated the lifeboat requirements
that the Titanic conformed to in 1912?
3. What term used in the passage tells the reader that this was the
Titanic’s first journey?
Answer key
1. safety / lifeboats
2. Britain / the British government
3. maiden
© 1999 Holmesglen Institute of TAFE 27
How to approach short answer questions
Step 1: Read the instructions carefully. Note that in the sample task
you may use your own words but you may not use more than
three words for each answer.
Step 2: Briefly read through all of the questions to get an idea of
what information you will have to find in the text.
Step 3: Read the first question more carefully. Decide what
information you will skim for. In this case you will skim for
reference to Alexander Carlisle.
Step 4: Once you have found the relevant section of the reading text,
look back at the question and decide what specific
information you need to answer the question. In this case,
you need to find what the owners thought was less important
than Titanic’s appearance.
Step 5: Read that part of the text more carefully to find the answer.
Step 6: Your answer does not need to be a complete sentence but it
does need to make sense grammatically.

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